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Kindergarten Through Grade 6


The academic program of Saint Boniface School provides all students with a superior, value-based education. The foundation of education the children receive is Catholic. This is our number one priority. Common Core State Standards and the Minnesota State Standards provide the basis of our curriculum. All curricular areas are periodically reviewed and revised.



The heart of every Catholic School is its religion program. Saint Boniface School uses the We Believe program for grades K-6. This program is consistent with the National Catechetical Directory. It is designed to lead to an encounter with Christ, conversion of the heart, and experience of the Spirit in the community of Church.

An essential part of the religion program is preparing and participating in the liturgy. Students participate in the celebration of Mass once a week on Thursday mornings. When a Holy Day of Obligation occurs, the Mass for the week is on the Holy Day.

Students also have many opportunities to provide community service and church service. Children help plan and participate in various liturgies. Reconciliation is provided during Lent and Advent. Prayer services are planned several times during the year to focus on a special occasion or season.

Formal preparation for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist is provided under the direction of the Elementary Faith Formation Program of the Church of Saint Boniface, as well as the second-grade teachers and parents. Parents are responsible for directed instruction of their children as they prepare for these two special sacraments.

In addition, Saint Boniface believes that our Catholic tradition and heritage should be incorporated into all other academic areas. It is in this way that we will be able to give witness to Jesus Christ in all areas of life.


Reading / Language Arts

Our reading and language arts program is a total program incorporating phonics, literature, writing, speaking, spelling, and grammar. This program is a comprehensive, scientifically-based, core reading program that helps every child succeed.

Students also have exposure and access to hundreds of pieces of great literature that accompany this series and which provide for a broad range of interests and reading abilities. The program also features access through technology in skill-building and mechanics.

Accelerated Reading Program is a part of our curriculum. In this program, students read for learning and enjoyment. Comprehension tests are taken for each book a child reads.



Saint Boniface School uses Math Expression in all grades. Math Expression is a curriculum that encourages teachers and students to go beyond arithmetic -- to explore more of the mathematics spectrum by investigating data gathering and analysis, probability, geometry, patterns, and algebra.


Mathematics is integrated into other subject areas and becomes part of the ongoing classroom routines, outdoor play, and spare transitional moments that occur every day.


Social Studies

As stated in our Social Studies curriculum philosophy: “We believe Social Studies education is committed to enlighten and empower students to be humane, empathetic, reasoning, and active citizens in a multicultural and interdependent world.


We believe social studies education models a structured school/community focus that prepares the students to become citizens in a democratic society. We believe throughout the study of social interaction, Saint Boniface students will develop a variety of thinking processes, respect for human dignity, and a caring response toward all people as reflected in the Gospel values of Jesus Christ.”



Saint Boniface School offers a science curriculum that involves “hands-on” learning and is one of the favorites of our students and staff. It stresses the scientific discovery approach in teaching science concepts that broaden the students’ knowledge of their world. Science and Technology for Children (STC)- Carolina Biological Co., and Full Option Science System (FOSS)- Delta Co., are the programs used in our school.

Science education is not just offered in the classroom. Saint Boniface students can be seen trekking through the woods of St. John’s looking for fungus, releasing newly formed butterflies on the church steps, or out in our fields launching rockets.



We believe the arts offer avenues for self-expression and creativity in individual learners and groups. Art is basic to education and learning across disciplines and can serve as a centerpiece for teaching and learning.

Arts education contributes to the multiple intelligences of all learners and recognizes cultural diversity. Arts education should include visual media for all learners.



Saint Boniface School uses a variety of materials to integrate the study of health into other areas of learning. Current Health, a magazine that explores health issues, is part of this effort.


Individual units in health education are also used.  Students in Grade 5 are taught a unit in sexual education. Parents are informed of the program and invited to observe all lessons.



Music is taught to all children at the District Education Facility under the Shared Time Program. Saint Boniface students experience the music curriculum, Music Connections. Children will grow in their ability to understand and organize, as well as interpret and express musical ideas.


It is the teacher’s challenge to help the children perform and organize music. Such skills would include singing, playing instruments, movement, and composing and improvising.


Each child will have this opportunity so that he/she may develop a sense of values regarding the kinds of music he/she will find satisfying and the place which music will fill in his/her own life.


Physical Education

Saint Boniface has a shared time program for physical education at the District Education Facility. Tennis shoes are required for this class.


A strong skill development program is followed, as well as a continual striving for good physical fitness. Intermediate students also enjoy units in swimming and bowling. Children who are unable to participate in physical education due to medical reasons must have a doctor’s statement.


Library - Computer - Media Centers

Our library, computer, and media centers proudly house the latest computer technology utilizing Macintosh systems designed for computer instruction. All K - 6 students receive instruction twice each week in computer programs and word processing. Students also have supervised Internet access and instruction.

All students are given the opportunity to go to the media center once a week to choose books. Students are taught library skills at an age-appropriate level. Students may also use the media center when they have free time or are working on a specific project.


Testing Program

Saint Boniface School administers STAR 360 for Reading and Math assessments.


At various times during the school year, the students are given a battery of tests in reading, language, and math. Results are shared with parents.


Field Trips

Saint Boniface School recognizes the importance of field trips as educational experiences. Each grade level is scheduled for one major field trip each year. Depending on the trip and entrance fees, families may be asked to pay for part of the trip. Parents are welcome and encouraged to help chaperone field trips. Chaperones are determined by a random selection of those available.

Through their fundraising efforts, the Home and School Association provides monies to pay for all of the bussing for field trips.

In sixth grade they attend special one-week trip to Camp Foley. Students experience a valuable environmental education program with specific goals and objectives. Parents are encouraged to volunteer to assist at Camp Foley, located north of Brainerd. Again, a random selection of parents who are interested in Camp Foley is held.



Saint Boniface encourages students to choose activities that provide balance in their educational growth. We recognize and support each family’s decision to determine what is appropriate for their circumstances.

Opportunities for Growth

  • Student Council

  • Speech

  • Academic Triathlon

  • Choir

  • Academic Competitions

  • Fine Arts

  • Performing Arts

  • Sports opportunities through ROCORI

  • Community activities

Our Foundation

Saint Boniface School is an accredited Catholic School for grades Pre-K through Sixth Grade.   For more than 100 years Saint Boniface School has been serving the Cold Spring area.  We offer faith-based learning, cutting edge technology, small class sizes, and the support each child needs.  Our faculty and staff are committed to watching each student succeed and being a well-rounded individual by incorporating “Top 20” into our curriculum.  All students grade K-6th attend Mass on a weekly basis.  All faiths are welcome at Saint Boniface School.

Contact Information



501 Main Street

Cold Spring, MN 56320

School Hours

8:20 AM - 2:45 PM

Office Hours

Monday thru Thursday 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Friday 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM

© 2020 The Centered on Christ Catholic Community

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